Bling Bling Pink Mayra Hazim: 2016

Friday, 2 September 2016

Final year! Here I Come!

Assalamualaikum everyone~~

Well today I wanna share a very very good news!! Today I just received my final exam’s result and Alhamdulillah I passed all the papers. I just passed my fourth year of medical student and I am officially a final year medical student!! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I’m really thankful for this results and this is a big relieve knowing how bad my history with those past papers.

I’m not bragging but I just want to share this news with everyone because only Allah knows how painful my fourth year has been. There were a lot of up and downs. Through many classes, scary lecturers, going back and forth between Selayang and Sungai Buloh almost everyday and many more obstacles. I almost gave up but with Allah’s wills and prayers from my beloved family and my friends, Alhamdulillah I made it!

I survived 4 years in medical school and I got to push harder for my final year as its getting harder and harder! Don’t forget to pray for me ya!

Ya Allah, semoga Munira Hazim dan rakan-rakan kuat dan tabah menghadapi final year MBBS UiTM yang penuh onak dan duri. Semoga Munira Hazim dan rakan-rakan berjaya lulus Professional Exam tepat pada masanya dan cemerlang. Aminnnn~~~

Mohon postingmates baru tunjuk ajar saya~~~

Passed my exams!! FINAL YEAR here I come~~

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Khatam Quran Dalam masa 21 Hari!

Assalamualaikum semua~ ~

Salam Ramadhan kepada semua Muslim yang sedang membaca~ ~
Hari ini sudah memasuki hari ke-2 berpuasa. Dan waktu Mayra menulis ni, Mayra tengah dalam keadaan Hypoglycemia (kurang gula dalam darah) dan sedang menanti waktu berbuka (approximately 2 jam lagi untuk berbuka).

Nak tahu apa impian gadia-gadis dan wanita-wanita muslim dalam Ramadhan ni? Kami-kami semua nak puasa sebulan penuh!! Tapi apakan daya, hanya orang-orang yang bertuah sahaja yang dapat berpuasa penuh.. sobsss

Mayra yakin, ramai yang memasang niat untuk mengkhatamkan Al-Quran dalam bulan Ramadhan ni, satu hari satu juzuk. 30 hari puasa = 30 juzuk = khatam Al-Quran. Namun, agak mustahil bagi perempuan untuk mencapai 30 hari = 30 juzuk sebab kami-kami semua diberi ABC (Allah bagi cuti) huhu.. jadi macam mana nak habiskan Al-Quran dalam masa sebulan walaupon tak dapat berpuasa penuh??

Nahhhh ini caranya..

cr : pic

Terima kasih banyak2 kepada yang berjaya mengeluarkan list ini. Semoga membantu perempuan di luar sana yang berazam untuk khatam Quran pada Ramadhan kali ini. Mayra pon berniat nak khatam sekali lagi bulan  ni. Ramadhan lepas tak berjaya, harap2 Ramadhan kali ini berjayalah yer. Sama-sama kita doakan..

Oklah, roomate MAyra dah panggil Mayra nak pergi Bazar Ramadhan.. Jom pergi sama-sama. Tapi jangan membazir tau!


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Nak Dr Mayra cucikan luka?

Assalamualaikum semua. Apa khabar? Harapnya semua sihat-sihat dan berbahagia dengan insan tersayang di sisi. Siapa bahagia, senyum sikit….. haaa barulah cantik dan handsome semuanya.

Alhamdulillah, sekarang ini Mayra berada di posting Primary Care Medicine (PCM). Apa itu PCM? Actually PCM ialah penjagaan kesiharan dan perubatan pesakit di luar penjagaan hospital. PCM termasuklah rawatan kecihatan, rawatan pencegahan, promosi kesihatan dan rawatan segala penyakit tanpa perlu memasukkan pesakit ke hospital. Contoh paling senang, klinik kesihatan. Suntikan Immunisasi kanak-kanak adalah sejenis rawatan primary care, pemeriksaan mengandung, rawatan penyakit tidak serius seperti demam selesema atau sakit jangka masa lama seperti darah tinggi atau kencing manis.

Jadi sekarangnya, Mayra attach di beberapa klinik kesihatan. Cuti sebentar dari kehidupan busy di hospital. Hehe tapi siapa cakap kerja di KK tak busy? Busy ya amat! Jumlah pesakit yang ke KK setiap hari boleh mencecah 700-800 orang! Ramai ya Allah.

Hari ini, Mayra berada di bilik rawatan dan kecemasan. Masuk jer bilik tu, terus nurse tanya, reti buat dressing tak? (dressing = cuci luka) and I was like, alamak, selama ni tak pernah buat dressing. Manalah reti. Nasib baik, nurse Ain baik. Dia guide kami step per step macam mana nak buat proper dressing.

Hari ini saja, Mayra buat hampir 10 dressing. Satu dressing ambil masa 15-60 minit depends keadaan luka. Disebabkan ramai sangat pesakit, Mayra terpaksa buat dressing sorang2. Berpeluh wehh nak siapkan dressing sorang-sorang, on your first day of doing it!

Tapi alhamdulillah, banyak benda belajar hari ini. Daripada tak tahu langsung macam mana nak buat dressing, sampai boleh handle dressing sorang-sorang (I am proud!!!).

gambar-gambar ini diambil waktu lunch, selepas semua patient dah habis....

p/s dalam bilik rawatan, sempat dingurat (betol ke perkataan ni?) oleh waris pesakit. Amboiii.. mungkin sebab seharian pakai face mask. Kalau tak pakai mask, takde sape nak pandang kita.. hahaha

Boleh jadi geng dengan Dr Kang Mo Yeon, cantik bila pakai face mask jer.. haha

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

10 reasons why TVXQ Catch Me Live in Malaysia is the best concert!

Assalamualaikum and hye guys!!

So today is 518, means today is TVXQ Catch Me live in Kuala Lumpur 3rd anniversary!! Wowwww how time flies… and I miss the boys so so so so much!!

Actually TVXQ Catch Me live in Kuala Lumpur was my first ever concert that I’ve ever attend and I’ve attended a few concerts after that (CNBLUE Cant Stop Live in Malaysia, Exolution Live in Malaysia and T1STORY Live in Bangkok) but in my perspectives view, TVXQ Catch Me Live in Kuala Lumpur is the best concert I’ve ever had in my life!! I even went to Bangkok to see TVXQ (T1STORY Live in Bangkok) but still, the feelings were not the same.

Here is the list why I think TVXQ Catch Me Live in Kuala Lumpur is the best concert I’ve ever had in my life.

1.       This is my first time to ‘date’ with TVXQ
cr : pic

-          Well, I became TVXQ’s fans or so called Cassiopeia since 2009/2010. I think its quite a long period of time for me to be a very committed fan towards a 5 younger men who are very hot, handsome, well dedicated and bla bla bla (if you want me to list down the good things about them, the list will not finish until next year..hahaha). since I was first entered the fandom, I never dream to attend their concert, to meet them, to see them with my naked eyes and to be a part of the ‘Red Ocean’. so I was very excited to meet my idol for the first time, to have a date eye-to-eye..hahaha

2.       This is my first concert ever.

-          As I mentioned above, this concert is my first concert. There was a quote saying “ the first time you do a thing is always exciting”

3.       My contributions towards the concert.

-          For every concert (I’m not sure other concert, but kpop concert do have this) there will be some fanproject arranged by fanclubs to show support towards the artist. And my contribution was, I donated some money for the fanproject and volunteered to distribute the fangoods to all the fans before entering the concert venue. Yah, its tiring, because we had some issues to deal with, but it was great!! I am proud to myself… LOL

4.       The concert venue.

-          The concert itself was held at Stadium Melawati Shah Alam. You know, when I first heard about stadium shah alam, I was like (not only me, I think all the fans) whattttt why use the small stadium?? Don’t we have other big stadium so we can have a big concert??? Aha! That was my first impression. But when the day came, I was like Thank god we use the small one.. because we cant see the boys more nearer and more clearly and the boys also can see our faces and all our fanproject!

5.       My seat was the best among the best!

-          When I entered the venue, me and Sarah were puzzled around looking for our seat and after a couple of minutes, we found our seat. That seats were at the last row of our seating zone, but at that time, we were okay since we still can see TVXQ clearly from that seat. 5 minutes later, suddenly a Chinese couple approached us and claimed it was their seat. 
view from my mistaken seat. haha
I was shocked and try to look again at my ticket before start searching again our place. And guess what?? Our seats located at the first row of the seating zone!!! Cant you believe it??? I was like omaigodddd i am in front row and it was really near to the stage and you can even see the boy’s pimple (if they got it)..haha
view from my actual seat!!

6.       The boys were so handsome and awesome!
the closest picture of yunho. omo he is just in front of me i can grab his legs!

-          This one, I wouldn’t comment much because it is a fact and everybody know the standard of TVXQ. Hahaha

7.       The overall performances were… (I don’t know what word to use to describe it!)
kiss kiss kiss
-          4 years becoming a fans, and you just watch their faces, songs, MVs, performances and variety show through your laptop or TV, then suddenly they stood in front of you, singing and dancing your favorite songs, can you understand my feelings that time. The moment when TVXQ appeared, when they dance to their old songs, Rising Sun, O, Mirotic, Purple Line and Wrong Number, it was priceless!! It was my precious unforgettable moment I’ve ever had!

8.       The organizer was jjangg!!
cr pic

-          The organizer, JPM is one of the best organizer! They really concern about what fan need and address them very well. Congratulations JPM for a very success concert and thank you for bringing TVXQ here.. mmuahhh

9.       I went there with my dearest Cassiopeia friend aka my ‘madu’

-          One of the best thing is, I went there with Sarah!! I met her around 2011 during the fan gathering and we started to know each other at FB, knowing that her bias in TVXQ also changmin. We always talk about our dream to meet TVXQ and the dream came true!!!

10.   The fanproject went well!

-          The fanproject was success and we were able to make yunho almost crying..hahaha the fanproject include the fan putting up the banner saying “ we will always with you” during the Unforgettable song and if you can find the fancam, you can see clearly yunho’s eye, holding back the tears. Yunho keep saying Thank you while Changmin keep repeating “ We are so sorry for not coming here for the past 6 years,”. OMO each time they mentioned it, the fans were like “andwaeeee.. kwenchanaaaa,”. And the epic moment when changmin said, “ Sawa saya awak,” with his cute expression instead of saya sayang awak. hahhaa

Thats it!! Actually i got many more things to say here, but the story will not finish until tomorrow! Hahaha... so i will stop here. I just hope that i will get another chances to meet them again, both of them and i really wish to see five of them (OT5 feelings) to be on stage together again. Always keep the faith. Forever Cassiopeia.

Till we meet again.. bye bye..

Thursday, 18 February 2016


Assalamualaikum semua. Apa khabar? Harapnya semua sihat-sihat dan berbahagia dengan insan tersayang di sisi. Siapa bahagia, senyum sikit….. haaa barulah cantik dan handsome semuanya.

Guess what? It’s time for Emergency posting! Another busy posting! Class, practical, seminar, case presentation, various procedure need to be done. Dengan morning shift, night shift. Lagi penat kalau dapat night shift kat sungai buloh hospital. Haru nak balik kolej kat selayang pukul 1@2 pagi.

Okay, kali ni Mayra nak share pasal pengalaman pertama Mayra buat CPR.

Apa itu CPR?
CPR atau “cardiopulmonary resuscitation” adalah gabungan khidmat pertolongan cemas pernafasan dari mulut ke mulut dan tekanan dada.
CPR juga adalah satu tindakan bantuan awalan bagi memulihkan mangsa yang terhenti pernafasan dengan menggunakan - teknik tekanan di atas dada (tekanan dari luar ) dan bantuan hembusan pernafasan.

Cara yang betul untuk buat CPR.

Pengalaman Mayra, waktu tu, Mayra tengah night shift di HSB. Setelah habis night shift kami, around 11pm (night shift kami habis pkul 10pm) masa tu Mayra dah nak melangkah keluar dari emergency department, tiba-tiba alarm berbunyi (tanda ada pesakit masuk red zone) dan terdengar ada nurse dan MA jerit “CPR! CPR!” (tanda ada pesakit cardiac arrest).

Mayra terkejut jugak. Tergamam semua ada. Nampak depan mata, seorang pesakit wanita, diatas katil, ditolak masuk kedalam red zone, dan kelihatan seorang MA sedang melakukan CPR kat pesakit tu. Terus kami medical student ambik gloves dan ikut patient tu.

“CPR done for 20minutes already!” jerit MA tu. Merah muka dia tengah buat CPR.

Then kami ambil turn. Setiap orang kena buat CPR 2 minit untuk completekan satu cycle. Dengar 2 minit macam kejap je kan. Tapi penat dia ya Allah… mayra nak completekan 2 minit tu rasa macam nak pitam dah. Muka merah, mmg berpeluh time tu. Lepas habis 2 minit, orang lain pula sambung. Kami bergilir buat CPR hampir sejam namun pesakit tu masih tiada nadi. So patient declared death.

Pertama kali nampak pesakit meninggal di depan mata. Dan pertama kali bertungkus lumus menyelamatkan pesakit (my precious memory). Bila difikirkan balik,  waktu kami semua bergelut buat CPR pada pesakit itu, malaikat maut ada bersama kami, Ya Allah. Ajal pesakit tu dah sampai.. :’(

(sampai sekarang masih terkesan)

Pada Mayra, setiap orang perlu tahu teknik melakukan CPR. Berapa ramai orang yang dapat selamat atau hidup kembali kalau CPR dilakukan, dengan cara yang betol.

So moral of the story, learn to do CPR! Okay!!!


Thursday, 21 January 2016

Karnival Kesihatan Sayangi Tulang Anda

Assalamualaikum semua. Untuk entry kali ini, Mayra ingin mengajak semua untuk join Karnival Kesihatan Sayangi Tulang Anda anjuran pelajar perubatan UiTM Tahun 4.

Alhamdulillah, kali ini giliran Mayra dan kawan-kawan posting PHPM, akan mengadakan Karnival Kesihatan Sayangi Tulang Anda.

Tempat : Taman Setia Warisan, Kampung Melayu Subang]
Tarikh : 24 Januari 2016
Masa : 7.30 pagi hingga 1.00 tengah hari

Pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti akan berlangsung seperti:
1.      Colourful run (penyertaan online sudah ditutup, tapi semua orang dijemput menyertai colourful run ni. Boleh walk in, tapi semua kena pakai baju warna putih)
2.      Saringan Kesihatan
3.      Pameran Kesihatan
4.      Pertandingan Futsal
5.      Derma darah
6.      Pertandingan mewarna
7.      Sukaneka
Dan banyak lagi!!!

Untuk maklumat lanjut, korang boleh pergi ke

Jumpa anda di sana!!!!

insyaAllah, akan ada artis yang akan hadir. Nak tahu? Kalau nak tahu, tengok kat bawah...

Inilah dia!! Haha #sisguraujer

Friday, 1 January 2016

Kim Junsu and Hani revealed to be dating??!!

Annyeong~~~ I cant believe that my first post for this new year is about Kim Junsu!! Well, I’ve never write about him, but for this first time, I am!

Wait.. who is Junsu actually? Junsu is one of TVXQ members (TVXQ is my fav artist basically). You can just ask my good friend, Mr Google to know more about him!

Well, today is the new year. yeay!! Happy new year everybadih! And you know what, Kim Junsu gave us Cassiopeia a happy new year gift!! I don’t know whether it is a gift or sad news, but I’m happy with the news. Kim Junsu is now dating!! With who? With his fan, who is now an idol too, EXID Hani! Congratulation!!!!!

After 12 years debuting as an idol, this is his first dating news came out! He surely had a good name in industry…hahaha

Many fans are sad right now, because of the news. But I’m happy with it! I mean, come on dude! He is 30 years old now, he is a human. He need someone to be loved with. At least, he proves to us that he is not gay! Hahaha

For me, Hani is okay. I don’t know much about Hani. I knew her as I watched her in Running man. Otherwise, I never heard her songs.. well, maybe I should listen to her song later. But as a fan, I don’t mind who is Junsu dating with. I’m sure there is something special about Hani that Junsu can see (while we cannot see) that’s makes him to fall in love with her. Hani is so beautiful what! Hahaha

Anyway, Hani is such a lucky girl. Junsu is one of the nicest guy i've ever seen (inside tv of cos!). Junsu is good looking, great voice and he is rich man (i mean he owned his own hotel before reach 30 years old!) Hani is Cassiopeia too! I mean, she proves that as a fan, we can get our idol to be our boyfriend.. LOL

Seriously, I’m happy with this news. I hope that Junsu is happy with Hani (of course he is!) and Hani can take a good care of Junsu and vice versa. I pray for them! To other fans, I’m begging you, please don’t bash or hate this couple. They deserve to have someone who they can share their loves. Please. Just remember, if Junsu does not date Hani now, will he date you???? Hahhahaha

for more details about this news, you can read at