Bling Bling Pink Mayra Hazim: November 2012

Monday, 19 November 2012

Song Ji Hyo's story...

Assalamualaikum...Hye... Annyeongg....
the story tonight???? tonight i'm gonna talk about song jihyo.. who is song ji hyo?? You dont know who is song ji hyo?? chinncha???? aigooo.. ok la, for those who didnt know song ji hyo, let me introduce her..

Song Ji Hyo.. beautiful right???
Song Ji-hyo (born Cheon Seong-im, August 15, 1981) is a South Korean TV and film actress. She is well known for her portrayal of ballerina Min Hyo Rin in Princess Hours, Lady Ye So-ya in MBC Jumong and as the Queen in A Frozen Flower. Currently, she appears on TV frequently as a member of Running Man (TV series), a popular Korean variety show.
She is currently a cast member of SBS variety show Running Man. Song was originally a guest for the second (episode 2-3) and third landmark (episode 4-5). She officially joined the program in the fourth landmark (episode 6) but was unable to attend until the fifth landmark (episode 7). Some of her characters on the show are Mong (blank) Ji-Hyo, Ace Ji-Hyo, Bad Ji-Hyo and also one half of the Monday couple with Kang Gary.
(copied from wikipedia)

So why i want to write about her??? Well, because she reallyyy beautiful!!!! ahakss!!!  (excited) >.<
haha... actually, i just watched Entertainment Weekly on Kbs and in Guerilla Date segment, there was Ji hyo!!! Wow,,, she's really beautiful and cute... No wonder why Kang Gary really crazy for her..haha..

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Only LOVE after NIKAH

Assalamualaikum... Pertama sekali, Salam Maal Hijrah 1434 semua...
nak nyanyi sikit,,

Hijrah Itu Pengorbanan
Hijrah Itu Perjuangan
Hijrah Itu Persaudaraan
Hijrah Membentuk Perpaduan
 Oleh Itu Mari Semua
Kita Sambut Maal Hijrah
Tingkatkan Semangat Tegakkan Syiar Islam
Untuk Sepanjang Zaman 

semoga tahun baru ni, kita dapat menambah ketaqwaan dan keredhaan kepada Allah SWT serta dapat mengumpul sebanyak mungkin pahala sebagai pembekal di padang Mahsyar kelak.. insyaAllah..

ok!!! topic of the night!!!! only LOVE after NIKAH..

So, what do you think??? Hrmm... gambar ni dibuat baru2 ni, almaklumlah, tengah cuti skrg kan, so kerja mengedit gambo jer la...hehehee... tapi ape yang mayra cube sampaikan adalah sepenuhnye dari hati yang tulus ni.. ececece... So depends on you guys la nak judge macam mane pon.. mayra terima jer...

So far, Alhamdulillah,.. ade yang sokong statement ni.. ade yang mendoakan agar mayra teguh pendirian sehingga jumpe "zauj" yang memang tercipta untuk mayra kelak.. ecececece... ade juga yang........ (xnak ckp).. malah ade juga yang bg komen positive... i like!!!  

siap printscrint la...hehehe
Jadi, mayra nak ucapkan syukran kepada rakan2 yang mendoakan kebaikan untuk mayra.. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian...Aminn....
Thats all for a moment.. thanx a lot!!! Assalamualaikum...  :)