Bling Bling Pink Mayra Hazim: April 2013

Sunday, 14 April 2013

[FANGIRLING] ‘Code Name: Jackal’ Unites Fans In Malaysia

Assalamualaikum semua..
Jadi hari ni mayra baru je baru balik dari tengok movie Code Name Jackal kat pavi...kenapa beriya sgt?? sbb my KIM JAE JOONG yg berlakon dlm movie...hehhehehhe wlaupon dah pernah tgok citer ni, tetap pergi tengok jgak kt panggung.. sbb susah movie korea (esp my love one ada) nak masuk panggung kat Malaysia ni... yg bestnyer, satu hall tu telah ditempah khas for cassiopeia...hehehe mmg kiteorg buat mcm panggung sendiri la kan.. bila jaejoong kluar, menjerit.. jaejoong seksi sikit menjerit...hahaha xsegan, sbb smua sekepala..

oklah, xnak citer bnyk.... mayra just share atau lebih specific copy paste article from All About Cassiopeia punyer blog.... korang carilah yer yg mana satu mayra... ^^, (xsangka i menang lucky draw u olls.. dapat magazine jaejoong lagi...)

Malaysian fans rejoiced as they gathered for their anticipated film, Code Name: Jackal that was released in Malaysia starting on April 11. This specially booked private event was organized by MYJYJZONE and was held today in the Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC) Pavilion Kuala Lumpur.

The event began with the registration at 12:00PM before the screening is shown an hour later. Fans who attended this event also got to redeem special mini Code Name: Jackal cards made by MYJYJZONE.
The screening lasted for about an hour and 50 minutes. The screening hall was filled with oohs and ahhs whenever the fans spot their idol, Kim Jae Joong, on screen.
The gathering proceeded with lucky draws and these five lucky fans got to bring home magazines, calendars and folders.
This April 14 gathering ended with a group photo to capture this memorable day of their lives.
Code Name: Jackal unravels a story of a legendary killer (Song Ji-Hyo) who is assigned to kill the top celebrity in the country (Kim Jae Joong) while eventually leaving an odd mix of emotions between the two as the plot thickens.
Code Name: Jackal is showing in Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC) MidValley Megamall, One-Utama and Pavilion Kuala Lumpur today!
Special thanks to MYJYJZONE for allowing us to cover this event!


Friday, 5 April 2013


Kali ni mayra mau share tntg SHOE FESTIVAL yg baru diadakan di PWTC last week, 28-31 march... 
korg pergi x??? pergi x??? bagi yg pergi tu, tahniah!!!! sbb anda berjaya mencuci mata anda dgn kasut2 yg berkilauan dan yg gah gitu.. bg yg xsmpat pergi, xpe, next year ade lg meyh... sbb event ni mmg setiap tahun akan ada...


Well, this event is awesome!! mmg kasut2 yg dijual di sana teramatlah menarik, elegant, dan yg plg penting MURAH!!!! itu yg org perempuan suka dgr..haha
Mayra akui, smpai jer sana, rambang mata!! tgk yg itu, mau.. tgk yg ini pon mau...xtau nak pilih yg mana...
Tapi, nafsu kasut ini ku tahan jua, sbb seminggu sblum event ni, mayra baru jer beli kasut, xkan lah nk beli lg.... dah la bajet bulan ni dah totally terpesong da..hahaa