Bling Bling Pink Mayra Hazim: March 2013

Sunday, 31 March 2013

My New Makeup Style


At last.. after 3 weeks i've tried, akhirnya contact lenns ni masuk juga dalam mata!!! yeay... sebelum2 ni.. mak aiii susah betol nak masuk, tp semalam, sekali try jer, dah masuk..

contact lens ape yg mayra pakai???

Yes..mayra gunakan Freshkon Alluring Eyes Mystical Black punyer.. yg ni untuk big eyes punyer la.. so how's the result?? xbanyak beza pon dari biase sebenarnye...huhu..

  left: without makeup
middle: makeup without lens
right: makeup with lens

Yang makeup tu, bukan makeup sgt pon.. just put some of my eyeliner and done..  :)

close up
So i think thats all for today... maybe u guys can try after this..  :)
Assalamualaikum..  :)